During the 6-hour workshop we focused on understanding trust in the process of photographing someone. We went over various techniques on how to relax the person in front of the camera. Trusting the process is something you can’t force, only unveil through patience and curiosity. I shared some of my most memorable successes and failures in capturing people and in their essence for over 10 years.
We studied light, composition and the role of the tempo in the process of directing. Through analysing previous masters in painting and in photography we got a deeper understanding why some works stand the test of time and have become iconic.
My intention during the workshop was to provide as much value as possible to support and bring out participants unique perspective and taste. The goal was to assist and develop their approach and make it more masterful in order to gain access to beauty.
Silver Mikiver ©
Notes and resources from the previous courses.

Caspar David Friedrich
Richard Avedon
Sarah Moon
J: Day full of inspiration that carries on until today. Thank you, Silver. Your vision and insights were very open and useful. If I would need to sum up the whole workshop with one word then it would be ‘‘profound’’.
E: I enjoyed the warm and friendly atmosphere of the workshop. An important aspect of the workshop was also the approach which was more intention-based rather than technical. Spending time with the same people and capturing each other during the practical part was less scary than I expected. I enjoyed the examples of paintings and photography Silver had chosen, also his masterful and relaxed approach in directing.
Silver Mikiver ©